
How to make money organizing information offers 29 businesses to open at home and/or online at very low cost for people who write, produce, package, research, retrieve, or organize any type of information for a variety of markets. Many of the writing and/or information related businesses or careers are especially suited to disabled people. For example, working with computer Braille or working with information for audio learning. Also helpful are careers re-packaging and organizing information for various professions and other specialty areas. Some businesses consist of using software to organize people on lists as for matching services for real estate, travel, and other services. A variety of careers for writers are discussed that will appeal to writers with disabilities as well as people who index books, for example with disabilities such as using software for the blind and editing using audio software for the visually impaired editor, writer, proofreader, or producer of learning materials and multimedia. For example, software allows blind Web designers and programmers to work with design. How to make money organizing information explains many careers--29 businesses, and writing techniques.

Book Details

ISBN-13 : 9780595236954
Publisher :
Date of Addition: 2003-08-28T19:17:10Z
Language : eng
Usage Restrictions: Copyright.